La plus vieille langue polonaise Bulletin Internet
(1987 - 2011)
L'Edition spéciale - français

éditeur: Czes³aw Piasta

  • La version anglaise du communiqué de presse (PDF)
  • Appel: nous faisons appel au milieu international pour la mise en place d’une enquête minutieuse qui permettrait d’éclaircir les circonstances du crash de Smolensk

    Movie: The soviet story -
    Reminder for those who were never taught about the real face of communism, and supporters of former communists in post-communism countries.

    Comment by one of the viewers:
    This documentary shook me to the core. In the light of recent tragedy which took lives of the Polish president, his wife and other notable officials and patriots who were flying to pay tribute to the 22,000 victims of soviet massacre in Katyn I found this film a great lesson in European and World history. It was never taught to me or anyone who lived in post II WW Europe or any other continent but it is also a never told story of the atrocities of fascism and communism.

    When you have a moment please watch it. Over one hour long but will change you and the way you look at a human race.

    With much empathy